Sophia’s Giant Rant!
Sophia’s Giant Rant! Let me tell you. I really detest my brother… Clarence! Well, I know he has autism and all that, but he’s only a little bit autistic - he’s quite cleaver really, with his musical knowledge and brilliant maths skills. But don’t let him know I told...
TEMPER TANTRUMS ON HALLOWEEN BABYMummy tells me, “It’s Halloween today,”But she also says, “I’m way too young to go”.Well, I’m afraid I’ll have to displayMy worst ever monster act – and soBy frightening her I’ll snarl, scream and shout,Wave my long, ugly tentacles...
Calendar Poems
January has…A chance for a brand-new startWhatever has happened in the past… good or bad.You’ve just got to follow your heartMake other people happy and you will be glad.February has…At last (hurrah!) slightly shorter darkness hours.And for all hopeful lovers...
Interview with The Oxford Editors
Zoe, thank you for agreeing to talk to us today. Thank you very much for asking me, Cherry. When did you first realise you wanted to be a writer? I’ve always love listening to the radio and about twenty years ago I was in the kitchen and this rap song came on, and as...
Raising money for an autistic charity in Bedford
Zoe has also worked on two albums they are raising money for a local autistic charity called Autism Bedfordshire. If you are interested in hearing the songs then please go on to this website or listen below.
Willen Hospice charity auction
From the 13th November, MK Dons fans can bid for a signed t-shirt alongside a book by Zoe Hunter in the Willen Hospice charity auction.
Clueless Clarence supporting Brainwave’s 10th Anniversary Ball
Zoe donates a copy of Clueless Clarence signed by Tony Bullimore for an auction prize towards Brainwave's 10th Anniversary Gala Ball at Layer Marney Tower.