January has…
A chance for a brand-new start
Whatever has happened in the past… good or bad.
You’ve just got to follow your heart
Make other people happy and you will be glad.

February has…
At last (hurrah!) slightly shorter darkness hours.
And for all hopeful lovers everywhere,
It is time for Valentine’s Day cards and flowers.
For those whose lives the senders would love to share.

March has….
Mother’s Day and the first day of spring,
So give your mum a present with all your love.
Once again, all the birds start to sing,
A wonderful concert way up above.

April has……
A day for all to take care,
Yes you had better beware.
For on the first of this month at home or at school,
If you let someone trick you, they’ll call you a fool.
Also, there’s a good chance of a shower,
It could be any day and any hour.

May has…
A tradition that gives girls and boys the chance
To celebrate, as round the Maypole they dance.
While one lucky girl will be crowned May Queen
And be happier than she has ever been.

June has…
The longest day of the year
Also, there’s Father’s Day.
So, give him a great big cheer
There isn’t much to say,
Just show him you love him by being good
Even better than you normally would.

July has…
More festivals than at any other time,
Most days it is very sunny and hot.
Enjoy the fresh air; swim, walk, run, cycle, climb
With all the energy that you have got.

August has…
The most family holidays when
We can put down our briefcase and pen,
Just leave the desk behind
So that we can all find,
The fun we seek in the welcome fresh air
In the park, on the beach or at the fair.

September has…
A special day when granny and granddad
Are honoured by the family.
Granddad tells tales of when he was a lad
While children listen happily.

October has…
A sight to feast your eyes upon the trees,
The gorgeous colours never fail to please.
As leaves mutate from green to gold and brown,
And early autumn sends them tumbling down.

November has…
Armistice, so put your hands in your pockets
Also, sparklers, Catherine wheels and rockets.
Which light dark skies on each Guy Fawkes Day
Comfort your pets or keep them well away.
As some animals do fear the noise

December has…
If we’re lucky a lot of snow,
Snowmen, sledges and snowball fights galore.
Christmas tree lights are all aglow,
And carol singers knocking at your door.